About me...
Internet Entrepreneur and Investor
In 2001, I co-founded Sedo.com, the world's largest domain market place. Since selling the company, I am active as an Entrepreneur and/or Investor in various start-ups, for example Eyeo (makers of Adblock Plus), Ecosia, Hitfox, Aklamio, Miomente, PiwikPro, BasicThinking, Home, Zolar, Joblift, SaaS.group and others. Mostly Internet stuff, especially online marketing and market places.
To contact me, please reach out via XING, LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. Or come visit me at our Eyeo Office.
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To contact me, please reach out via XING, LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. Or come visit me at our Eyeo Office.
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51429 Köln-Bensberg
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Managing Director: Tim Schumacher